Laser-assisted liposuction is a minimally invasive cosmetic procedure designed to remove excess fat and improve body contour. This technique combines traditional liposuction with laser technology. Additionally, this method allows for transfer of fat from one area to another, such as the breasts or buttocks.

WHAT IS BEUTIFILL LIPOSUCTION? During the procedure, a laser fiber is introduced through a small cannula, and inserted into the targeted fat deposits. The laser energy liquefies the fat cells, making them easier to remove through suction. Additionally, the heat from the laser can stimulate collagen production, leading to skin tightening. Laser-assisted liposuction is known for its precision, reduced recovery times, and potential skin-tightening benefits when compared to traditional liposuction methods

BeautiFill is an outpatient procedure performed while awake and under local anesthetic. This method avoids risks traditionally associated with general anesthesia. In addition, BeautiFill’s laser energy provides the added benefit of less bruising and swelling often seen with other fat harvesting methods.

WHAT IS THE RECOVERY LIKE? You will need to wear a compression garment 24 hours a day (except for when you shower) for the first 2 weeks. Then you will need to wear your garment at least 12 hours per day for another 2-4 weeks. If you receive fat transfer to the buttocks you will not be able to sit/lay on the area of fat transfer for 4 weeks. There are special pillows designed to help with this. You can resume exercise at about 4 weeks. However, we encourage early movement and staying active to ensure the fastest recovery.

WHAT IS THE COST? Pricing starts at $4,000. This includes one area of liposuction (lower abdomen, flanks, chin, arms, legs, etc.) Each additional area of liposcution is $1,000. Fat transfer to the breast, face, hands, cheeks, lips is an additional $1.000 and fat transfer to the buttocks is an additional $2,000.

WHAT MAKES BEAUTIFILL FAT TRANSFER UNIQUE? The crucial difference between BeautiFill and other fat transfer methods is how the fat is harvested. Other fat harvesting methods were intended to destroy and/or discard fat, not preserve it for reimplantation. BeautiFill uses a proprietary laser instrument designed to extract the highest quantity and quality of live fat cells for reimplantation. In a clinical study, the fat harvested patients reported greater than 90% fat cell viability. The higher percentage of live cells, the higher chance for cell survival following reimplantation.

WILL I NEED TO TAKE TIME OFF AFTER THE PROCEDURE? This depends on the amount of volume you seek to remove and restore. We have found that most patients are able to return to work 3-4 days after the procedure. You will be sore, but pain is manageable with ibuprofen and/or tylenol.

HOW LONG WILL IT TAKE TO SEE RESULTS? You will have immediate results. Some of the fat that is transferred will inevitably die. It is estimated that up to about 60% of the fat that is transferred will survive. You should know your final fat transfer results at around 3 months after the surgery. With the liposuction, you will have swelling, bruising and some unevenness for a few months. Typically, our patients have a good idea of what their results are going to look like around 3 months after surgery, but changes may still happen for up to 6-12 months.